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Daniel Sharon, Hirsberg, Daniel , Afri, Michal , Chesneau, Frederick , Lavi, Ronit , Frimer, Aryeh A. , Sun, Yang-Kook , and Aurbach, Doron . 2015. “Catalytic Behavior Of Lithium Nitrate In Li-O 2 Cells”. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 30, Pp. 16590–16600. doi:10.1021/acsami.5b04145. Publisher's Version
Evan M Erickson, Markevich, Elena , Salitra, Gregory , Sharon, Daniel , Hirshberg, Daniel , Llave, Ezequiel De , Shterenberg, Ivgeni , Rozenman, Ariel , Frimer, Aryeh , and Aurbach, Doron . 2015. “Development Of Advanced Rechargeable Batteries : Rp Au Ro O Rp Ro”. Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 162, 14, Pp. A1–A15. doi:10.1149/2.0051514jes.
Won-Jin Kwak, Hirshberg, Daniel , Sharon, Daniel , Shin, Hyeon-Ji , Afri, Michal , Park, Jin-Bum , Garsuch, Arnd , Chesneau, Frederick Francois , Frimer, Aryeh A. , Aurbach, Doron , and Sun, Yang-Kook . 2015. “Understanding The Behavior Of Li–Oxygen Cells Containing Lii”. Journal Of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 16, Pp. 8855–8864. doi:10.1039/C5TA01399B. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This work deals with core issues of Li–oxygen battery systems; intrinsic stability of polyether electrolyte solutions and the role of important redox mediators such as LiI/I 2 .