During the last two decades, we have observed a dramatic increase in the electrification of many technologies. What has enabled this transition to take place was the com-mercialization of Li-ion batteries in the early nineties. Mobile technologies such as cellular phones, laptops, and medical devices make these batteries crucial for our contemporary life-style. Like any other electrochemical cell, the Li-ion batteries are restricted to the thermodynamic limitations of the mate-rials. It might be that the energy density of the most advance Li-ion battery is still too low for demanding technologies such as a full electric vehicle. To really convince future customers to switch from the internal combustion engine, new batteries and chemistry need to be developed. Non-aqueous metal-ox-ygen batteries—such as lithium–oxygen, sodium–oxygen, magnesium–oxygen, and potassium–oxygen—offer high ca-pacity and high operation voltages. Also, by using suitable polar aprotic solvents, the oxygen reduction process that oc-curs during discharge can be reversed by applying an external potential during the charge process. Thus, in theory, these batteries could be electrically recharged a number of times. However, there are many scientific and technical challenges that need to be addressed. The current review highlights recent scientific insights related to these promising batteries. Nevertheless, the reader will note that many conclusions are applicable in other kinds of batteries as well.